Hosting an open craft session

A member can ask us for a volunteer induction, sign the volunteer code of conduct, and then offer to run a workshop or similar at Machspace. We will need to approve the topic, day, time and duration. As long as it’s making-themed and not at the same time as an open day, we’ll probably be okay with it.

Machspace will then promote the event to members. Attendance and materials will be pay-what-you-feel for attendees, with all proceeds going to Machspace. If you need to buy materials for the workshop Machspace will be able to reimburse you.

On the day, a director or an experienced volunteer will host with you. The two of you will be responsible for making sure that attendees follow the code of conduct, and your workshop doesn’t have to be restricted to members only.

How to host an open day

Email us! The following are really helpful to include in your email:

  • The nature of your event, and what activities would be taking place;
  • Information about the time(s) of day or day(s) of the week that you’d like to hold your event;
  • Whether you are open to bookings via Machspace or opening Machspace to the public;
  • If it involves a craft, example photos of any items attendees would be making at the event.

Email us if you have any questions:

When considering dates and times, you may find it helpful to look at the calendar to avoid double-booking. We typically host two open days per month, but we are open to hosting more. Any entry that says “open day, no theme” is available, and the day and time can be changed to suit you.

Political events

As a CIC we have some legal restrictions on what kinds of activities we can host or run with regard to politics. In summary, we cannot host anything that seeks to persuade politicians or voters, in the UK or elsewhere.

We do not host Machspace open events in connection with any particular causes or organisations.