Author: Cassian

Event: T-shirt stencil-bleaching

Sunday 3rd December 2023

11am – 1pm (drop-in, members and guests only)

Facebook event here.

Here’s what it looks like:

You should bring (if you can):

  • A cardboard box
  • A newspaper
  • A pair of rubber gloves
  • Any t-shirts, clothing or other fabric (non-white, containing natural fibres) that you’d like to enhance
  • Warm clothing – we’ll have the front door wide open for ventilation

What we’ll do together:

Avery will walk us through the process of designing a stencil, cutting it out, preparing the t-shirt and stencil, and spraying the bleach onto the t-shirt. Different dyes and fabrics react differently, so Avery can also share his advice and experience about that.

Dress warmly, because it’ll be cold in the space! Bring a good face mask if you’re not into the smell of bleach. If you already have stencils you want to try out for this (or share with others), feel free to bring them along!

Any natural-fibre fabric will work, but maybe bring a t-shirt that you don’t mind destroying, because as with pancakes and any other craft, the first one is always rubbish.

Who can come?

This is a members-and-guests event. That means if you want to come, you need to be a member already, or be the one guest of an existing member. Guests must be 11 or older. If you want to become a member by Sunday, email us ASAP – we can accommodate that! hello AT machspace DOT org

It’s not a private event, so the space will remain open to members and guests who want to do other activities, but please be aware that it will probably smell very bleachy in there and it might be a bit cold.

It’s free to attend, and it’s free to become a member.

Progress report – one month

Our grand opening was on 20th October, and today, almost a month later, we have 14 inducted members and 16 people waiting to be inducted.

We have storage space for members’ projects now:

We’ve also got some posters for members to tell us about what equipment they’d like us to get (some since acquired), and – as we have very limited funds for equipment – a very offline way to informally crowdfund for particular items:

And, since the poster thing has been turning out so well, we added another for sharing materials and coordinating skill-sharing:

Members are invited to write on this poster if they want to teach others how to do their favourite crafts, or if there are particular skills they would like to learn.

Also, our kitchen now has shelves, a sink and a working hot water supply, and a little fridge under the worktop:

Also it’s super duper yellow 🤩

Today’s open day was pretty good, we had a few visitors coming from the repair cafe over the road, and a couple of new members signed up. Cassian and Avery used some salvaged materials (left by the previous pop-up art shop tenants) to create a sandwich board to make the workshop look more open and welcoming on open days:

Things are still pretty chaotic, and occasionally overwhelming, especially with regard to offers of donated items! We have a small space so we have to be quite careful. Also, there are only three volunteers at the moment, with limited time and energy, so we can’t accept anything that needs any kind of mending, maintenance, etc.

We’re sending out emails to applicants once a week or so, to offer time slots for induction, and managing about 3 sessions per week.

Our next open day is scheduled for Saturday 25th November, 12-2pm, but we may not have enough directors/volunteers to manage it – stay tuned! If you want to be sure we’ll be there to show you around, come on Wednesday 6th December, 6-8pm. Open days are intended for everyone, members and non-members alike, to drink various hot beverages and make things together – come along and meet each other!

Membership, inductions and volunteering

Membership and induction

Membership applications have been coming in since the grand opening, and we’ve inducted several people already, which means people are using their key fobs to access the makerspace whenever they want! We love it.

If you’d like to join, please fill in the membership application form here. And if you’ve already done that, you might have an email inviting you for an induction – get in touch at hello AT machspace DOT org and we’ll find a date and time that works for you. We have availability in the afternoons and evenings most days of the week at the moment, with mornings (hopefully) coming soon.

Open days

We’ve figured out our open day sessions! You can find them on our calendar page here. In summary, they’re Wednesday evenings and Saturday lunchtimes, with one every two weeks or so. The next one is Saturday 11th November, 12-2pm, which coincides with a repair cafe taking place at the Community Hub over the road.


Would you like to help make a makerspace? If so, we would love for you to join in! Machspace is a non-profit run by three volunteers with limited energy and time, so every little helps. Email us at hello AT machspace DOT org and tell us what you’re into!

In particular we’re looking for a woodworking specialist – because woodworking is something a lot of prospective members have expressed an interest in, and none of the directors have much expertise. If you’re proficient with woodworking, carpentry, power tools, etc. and you’re interested in helping out, please take a look at this volunteering “job description”.

We are open!

Yesterday afternoon/evening we held our grand opening, 3-6pm, and we had about 25-30 guests, lots of cupcakes and cups of tea, and many interested people, lovely and supportive comments, etc. It was so busy that we didn’t even get a minute to take any photos – and we ran out of paper membership registration forms and had to start referring people to the online registration form instead!

This afternoon we inducted our first four members, who now have their key fobs and can let themselves into the space anytime. We also inducted someone on the 3D printer, and just because this blog is for reporting the most important information, their test print was a blue rabbit.

For those of you who weren’t able to make the grand opening, if you want to come and see the space in person before signing up for membership we’ll be holding open days every couple of weeks – probably alternating between weekday-evenings and weekend-daytimes. We haven’t chosen the first dates yet but as soon as we have they’ll appear on the calendar page of this website.

And if you already know that you want to be a member, you can join anytime! It’s a two-stage process – first you sign up using our registration form, and then one of us will be in touch to arrange your induction, where you’ll sign the code of conduct and get your key fob.

We’ve also just started sending the rewards out to our crowdfunders, so if that’s you, keep an eye out. 🙂

It is so satisfying and gratifying to know that our first members are now able to use Machspace, laminating stuff and drinking cups of tea and repairing their whatevers and suchlike! Amazing stuff. Thank you everyone for your support, and we hope to see you at Machspace sometime soon!

An archive of our “progress report” page

Our “progress report” page became a bit redundant once we opened our premises, but we wanted to save it somewhere for posterity…

  • Create CIC (Community Interest Company)
    • January 2022. Our company number is 13858552.
  • Open bank account
  • Acquire insurance
  • Find premises
  • Find funding
  • Acquire equipment
  • Find prospective members
  • Open Makerspace
    • Our grand opening was on 20th October 2023, and we inducted our first members the next day.

Progress report: fancy locks and kitchen sinks

This week suddenly things are starting to really take shape:

  • Avery and I installed the worktop in the teeny tiny kitchen yesterday;
  • The electronic locks were fitted by Mark the electrician today, which means inducted members will be able to use a keyfob to let themselves in and out;
  • Tomorrow Charley the plumber is, fates permitting, coming to plumb in our kitchen sink and tidy up the plumbing under our bathroom sink;
  • Tomorrow (Tuesday) and Sunday, Chris is leading volunteers in painting Machspace with donated paint.

In the past few weeks, we have:

  • Removed a weird fake fireplace and a partition;
  • Taken out two pointless doors;
  • Pulled up lots of cement-encrusted and damp carpet;
  • Pulled out the old sinks and cabinets in both the bathroom and kitchen, which were in bad shape and extremely mouldy;
  • Washed lots of gross mould off the walls and ceilings (thank you Nathan!) and dried out the bathroom and kitchen;
  • Reconfigured and wall-mounted a freestanding sink in the bathroom, and installed a grabrail;
  • Miraculously, found a cheap 125cm-long offcut of worktop for our tiny cupboard-kitchen, cut a hole for the sink, and installed it in the kitchen;
  • PAT-tested lots of equipment and re-mounted some of the ceiling lights that were falling down (thank you Frank!);
  • Put in lots of tables and chairs, some cupboards, a sofa and a rug, etc.

We’ve done a lot of the work ourselves, but the electrics and plumbing were outside of our comfort zone! And some furniture has been donated but some we had to buy. All of these initial set-up costs can’t be taken out of our grant from SVF Powys, so that means it’s all funded by the crowdfunder. (Thank you very much to everyone who donated or shared the link! It is a big help right now.)

It’s currently very scruffy and untidy, but the finish line is in sight and we’re really, really close to being ready for the Grand Opening. Once the plumbing is done and we’ve tidied up a bit, I plan to get to work on the crowdfunder rewards.

Thank you everyone so much, we’ve done a LOT in a very short space of time and we’re really excited!

Our partially installed kitchen sink! It’s not plumbed in yet but the fact that it’s in a bit of worktop that is stuck to the walls feels like a big achievement.

PS: A reminder that you can follow us on the Fediverse: We had a bit of a technical hiccup where follow requests weren’t coming through, but they are now, so if you tried to follow, check and maybe cancel and re-follow!

Grand Opening postponed until 20th October

What with one thing and another, we’re coming to realise that Machspace won’t be as done as we’d like it to be by the planned Grand Opening on 6th October. It’ll probably be useable, but we’ll feel a lot better about what we’re offering if we can have a little bit longer to pull it all together and still have time to paint the walls and make build-your-own-cupcakes.

So, we’re postponing by two weeks. The Grand Opening will now be Friday 20th October, 3-6pm drop-in – and with any luck we’ll be 100% ready and 0% burnt out!

Following this blog on the Fediverse

Just a quick post to let you know that there’s a new way to follow this blog to get updates about our makerspace: the Fediverse.

If you use a Fediverse social media account (e.g. Mastodon), you can type into the search box to find the blog profile and follow it. You’ll then see excerpts of our new blog posts, plus a link to click through to read the full post.

Every WordPress blog also has an RSS feed, which you can follow using an RSS reader/feed aggregator. The RSS link for our blog is:

Edit, 2023-09-25: Following was broken, but we fixed it – you’ll have to cancel and redo your follow request. Sorry about that! It is working now. 🙂

Progress report: 2 weeks to go

Stuff is happening! We’re on track for our Grand Opening on 6th October. Here’s how it looks right now:

There was a mysterious fake fireplace mortared onto the carpet, which was a lot of fun to remove:

There was also a sort of sheltered office room in one corner, which took a bit longer to knock out but it has freed up a lot of space:

We’ve got power and water and internet, there’s a comfy sofa and a little fridge, we’ve got first aid stuff and fire extinguishers, and the 3D printer is whirring away. There’s tables and shabby but comfy chairs. It’s actually a pretty respectable makerspace at the moment, short of a lick of paint.

Our first priority before we open is finding out if it’s possible to get some kind of lock system in place so that we can give inducted members key fobs. That way everyone can just let themselves in and out, without us volunteers having to be doorkeepers. This is by far the biggest set-up expense, and the grant doesn’t cover it because it’s limited to running costs rather than one-time purchases. We’re not even sure if the crowdfunding money will cover it. Once the locks are sorted we can start enrolling members.

After that, we want to get the kitchen and bathroom (both very tiny) sorted and more comfortable to use. Both were quite mouldy and badly furnished when we picked up the keys, and we’ve managed to clean the mould. Next we’re installing better sinks and worktops and a few shelves, hopefully this weekend or early next week. (Proper storage will probably have to come later, when we [hopefully] have more money.) Both are roughly usable, so they won’t cause a late opening or anything.

Which brings us to our wishlist:

  • Money towards the lock system!
  • A kettle
  • A couple of little oil radiators on wheels
  • 2 more tables
  • A tall-but-shallow bookcase to display pay-what-you-feel fidgets and handmade items
  • A coffee table
  • Cutlery, especially teaspoons

We don’t need any more offers of chairs, sofas, fridges, noticeboards, rugs, mugs or tea towels. Various people have offered to longterm-loan us 3D printers, which is really generous, and we’ll definitely take advantage of those offers when the space is a bit more finished.

As for help from people:

  • Do you know about installing electronic locks like you’d get on a hotel room door? If you think you’d be able to help us install this, we need you ASAP!
  • We’ll need all hands on deck for painting sometime soon.
  • None of us are experts in woodworking, so in due course we’ll need someone to help us check over the second-hand power tools we’ve already got, put together some guidelines/policies, and write up a wishlist.

It’s all really exciting, and we’re exhausted but eager to open as quickly as possible!

We’ve got a grant, and we’ve got premises

Press release: click here

After a whirlwind of a month, we have several really exciting bits of news to share with you!

We applied to the Social Value Forum Development Fund from PAVO in July, and in August we found out that we were successful. We have been awarded an incredible £24,000 (and a bit), which will cover our running costs for a year and a half. We worked really hard on our application, and we’re so proud, and still a little bit blown away!

The SVFDF grant made it possible for us to sign a lease and pick up the keys to our new premises yesterday, something that we couldn’t have predicted even two months ago. (1 Old Town Hall, Penrallt Street, opposite the clock and the new Bike Workshop and the Community Hub.) We are now gearing up to start making our space comfortable, useful and fun – see more on that below! We’re planning the grand opening for 6th October 2023, 3-6pm.

And finally, our crowdfunder recently closed after 8 weeks, and we are very grateful to have received £1,661 in pledges from our local community, our friends and families, and members of the wider makerspace network across the UK. This means so much to us, and will help smooth our first month by allowing us to prepare the space and buy furniture and equipment.

And now…

We need YOU!

We’ve got so much to do, and we need all hands on deck.

Have you offered us equipment? Get in touch on WhatsApp or by email: hello AT machspace DOT org.

We also need to get our mitts on some basics, so here’s our furniture wishlist. If you have anything kicking about that fits our needs, drop us a line (FAO Chris) – we’d love to source second-hand and locally where possible.

  • 5-10 large, sturdy tables
  • 10-20 basic dining or office chairs (possibly stackable for storage)
  • A small sofa or 2-3 armchairs
  • 1-2 display bookcases or shelves (possibly to go in the windows)
  • Fridge
  • 2-3 sets of large storage shelves (e.g. garage racking)
  • Microwave
  • Kettle
  • Basic crockery – cups, mugs, cutlery
  • A large cork noticeboard
  • A large whiteboard
  • Hand towels
  • Tea towels
  • Little radiators on wheels
  • Lockable filing cabinet

Once this is in place we’ll be ready to open!

And finally, we need a regular Mach-based cleaner who can come and clean for us around two hours a week. If that could be you, please do give us a shout and tell us your rates – again, by WhatsApp or by email: hello AT machspace DOT org (FAO Chris).

Thank yous

No community project is an island, and we are full of gratitude! In no particular order:

  • To Stiwdio Dyfi / Just In Time, for helping us gather survey responses for our grant application. (Subscribe to their newsletter for regular Welsh arts and entertainment news, it’s really good.)
  • To everyone who responded to our evidence survey. There were over 60 of you and all of your thoughtful textbox entries were really valuable.
  • To everyone who’s come to our open days at the Bowling Club over the last couple of years. The number one thing that’s kept us motivated while we waited for the opportune moment to jump into a full-time venue has been the ongoing and supportive proto-members who show us why we’re doing it just by turning up.
  • To everyone who has donated beautiful and unique handmade items for our pay-what-you-feel table, and to everyone who has donated or bought anything. You know you’re doing something important when people are willing to lay down their skilful work and hard-earned cash to make it happen.
  • To our PAVO advisor Louise – supportive, knowledgeable, and a very speedy email-replier to boot. No wonder we got that grant!
  • To our 38 crowdfunders. What a bunch of legends. Some of you are local makerspace enthusiasts, and some of you live miles and miles away, and you’re all making a makerspace with us.
  • To the UK Hackspace Foundation, for their resources, and especially to the active national hackspace community members who support us when we have noob questions.
  • To the Naturesave Trust, who very kindly gave us a huge boost by trusting us with enough money to buy a 3D printer, a sewing machine and a badge-maker. Being able to demonstrate to everyone what we were trying to do was a big and exciting step in our journey.

As the PR guy1 I’ve got a lot to do over the next few days, so I’ll sign off and get started on a list of website pages that we’ll have to update now we’ve got premises. (Wow!)

Take care,


  1. Gender-neutral! ↩︎