Author: Cassian

Our first AGM

Yesterday we held our first ever AGM, and we think it went pretty well! We required 10% of our membership (a “quorum”, 8 people at the moment) to proceed, and there were four directors and six members present, so that was an excellent start.

We also saw some presentations:

Chris gave a summary of Machspace’s financial situation over the last year, including donations and grant funding.

Penny gave a timeline of our progress so far, including directors and volunteers coming onboard and equipment being acquired.

Cassian talked about our plans and hopes for the future, including paid staff, larger premises, more directors and volunteers, and future funding possibilities.

Artist’s impression of future potential layout by Tanya

A big thank you to everyone who came along! We really appreciate the support, and we love that people are as excited as we are about Machspace and its future.

If you’d like to read the minutes or view the accounts, please do feel free to get in touch:

AGM agenda

You can see it on Google Docs here.

When: Monday 3rd June 2024, 6pm – 8pm

Where: Machspace, 1 Old Town Hall, Penrallt Street, Machynlleth, SY20 8AJ

If you want to raise any topics/proposals/votes, you will need to get them to us by Saturday 1st June 2024 at 12pm noon. The fastest and easiest way is by email: hello AT machspace DOT org.

We are meeting in accordance with the Articles of Association (AoA): Articles of association.pdf

RSVP not required. Attendees must be members or proxies of members.

The meeting will happen in the main open space in Machspace, with the sofa area available (and if the weather is good, the courtyard through the back door) as quiet space. Attendees are welcome to duck in and out of the meeting as and when they need to, as long as they are quiet so as not to disturb the meeting.



Tanya will introduce herself as the chair and set the tone of the meeting, giving guidance on how we will proceed.

We need 10% of our membership to be there within half an hour of the start of the meeting to continue as a “quorum”, which is 8 people at the moment. (Our membership is currently 82 members.) If we don’t have 8 people within 30 minutes of the start time, we have to adjourn to the same day and time in one week, i.e. Monday 10th June 2024 at 6pm, or the chair can choose a better day and time with member approval. (See page 14 of the AoA PDF.)

1. Financial report

This will be presented by Chris Richards (director, she/her). It will be an overview of our financial situation so far, including donations and grants.

2. Progress report

This will be presented by Penny Tristram (director, she/her). It will be an overview of what we have achieved so far.

3. Plans for the future

This will be presented by Cassian Lodge (director, they/them). It will be a summary of our focus and intentions for the next 6-12 months.

4. Member contributions

Any agenda items (proposals, votes) that members sent to before Saturday 1st June 2024 at 12pm noon will happen now.

If members would like to express any opinions/feelings about anything that has been discussed so far, that will happen now.

5. Closing

As it’s our first AGM, this will be a “meta” section to discuss how we feel the meeting has gone, what we liked, and what we would like to do differently next time.

Our first AGM is coming up soon!

Monday 3rd June 2024, 6-8pm

Machspace members are cordially invited to come along to our first Annual General Meeting for such fun times as:

  • A financial report
  • An overview of what we’ve been up to so far
  • An overview of what we’re planning
  • Members can vote in any votes
  • Members can bring things to vote on

If you’ve got anything to submit for the AGM agenda, please email We’ll let you know when the agenda is published.

Space improvements

We’ve got a new sign over the door, courtesy of Avery, Corinne, Cassian and Jim:

L to R: Avery, Corinne and Jim

We cut the shapes on the laser cutter, which makes us even more legit as a makerspace.

Also we have new lino in the bathroom/backdoor/kitchen zone:

Open event: T-shirt bleach-stenciling

Saturday 25th May 2024, 12-2pm

Hosted by Avery and Cassian. Bring 100% cotton t-shirts new and old that you’d like to enhance with a DIY industrial aesthetic. It’s very simple and easy and fast! You can use some nerdy stencils pre-made by Avery, you can cut stencils yourself in cardboard, and if it’s not too busy we might be able to help you make a more detailed, reusable stencil from plywood with the laser cutter.

You will need to bring:

  • Any clothing that you would like to try bleach-stencilling, must be over 95% cotton.
  • Designs that you would like to turn into stencils – PNG or SVG files for laser cutting, printed or drawn onto paper for cardboard stencils.
  • A corrugated cardboard box, with as little ink printing on it as possible.
  • A face mask, if you are sensitive to strong smells.

We will provide:

  • Rubber gloves
  • Bleach spray
  • Sharp craft knives for cutting stencils


  • Your fabric must be >95% cotton, or the bleaching won’t work well/at all!
  • This craft uses bleach, and there will be strong bleach smells throughout. We will be ventilating the space by opening the front and back door to encourage air flow, but the air will still be quite bleachy. You might have a better time wearing a really good face mask, if you’re sensitive to that kind of thing.
  • The bleach may land on your clothes and cause discolouration that can’t be undone. Wear clothes that you don’t care about that much.
  • We will be using sharp craft knives. We’ve got first aid supplies and plasters just in case.

As it’s an open day, Machspace will be open to the public and free to attend. We invite you to read our open day rules before attending.

We look forward to seeing you there! 🙂

Facebook event: Click here

Press release: Machspace awarded National Lottery grant for laser cutter

A few weeks ago we were very fortunate to receive a grant from the National Lottery Awards for All (Wales) Community Fund, which we have so far used to buy a laser cutter, an A3 printer-copier, and some new storage furniture.

National Lottery Awards for All (Wales) Logo: Cronfa Gymunedol / Community Fund

Today we’ve produced a press release to announce it, which you can download as a zip file here (3 MB), or see here on Google Drive.

Left to right: Nikki, Fee and Avery appreciating the new laser cutter

If you are a Machspace member and you too would like to cut/engrave things very quickly and precisely, please feel free to email us ( to ask for a laser cutter induction. And if you’re not a member, you can apply for membership here – it’s pay-what-you-feel until March 2025.

Event: Open day, theme lino-printing

Saturday 16th March 2024, 12-2pm

Image credit: Wikimedia Commons

This open day will be led by Pat, who has experience with a similar community workshop focused on printing. She’ll teach us how to cut a design into a small square of lino, and then print it onto paper. You’ll also have the option of turning your print into a badge with our badge maker.

As it’s an open day, Machspace will be open to the public, and we invite you to read our open day rules before attending.

We look forward to seeing you there! 🙂

Facebook event: Click here