Author: Cassian

Event: Open day, theme lino-printing

Saturday 7th September 2024, 12-2pm

Saturday 5th October 2024, 12-2pm

This open day will be led by Pat, who has experience with a similar community workshop focused on printing. She’ll teach us how to cut a design into a section of lino, and then print it onto paper.

As it’s an open day, Machspace will be open to the public, and we invite you to read our open day rules before attending.

We look forward to seeing you there! 🙂

Facebook event: Click here

Event: Open day, introduction to macramé

Saturday 17th August 2024, 12-2pm

Pat will demonstrate the basic macramé knots, and then teach tree macramé and butterfly macramé to make wall hangings. We’ll provide the string, but bring a stick, 30cm dowel or hoop for your design to hang from.

As it’s an open day, Machspace will be open to the public, and we invite you to read our open day rules before attending. It’s pay-as-you-feel, so anyone can attend regardless of income, and donations are very welcome. There will also be pay-as-you-feel refreshments.

See you there! 🙂

Facebook event: Click here

Would you like to volunteer at Machspace?

Market day support (one-off or ongoing)

The most time-sensitive one at the top! This Wednesday, 10am-2pm, Penny is running a Machspace market stall outside the workshop – more details below. She would love some company, for this and maybe future Wednesdays. If you’re helping out you can also sell your own arts and crafts for 30% commission. If you’re interested, email us:

Woodworking (ongoing)

Managing the woodworking area is a responsibility and a pretty big job, so we are reaching out to see if anyone would like to co-manage alongside Matt. Here’s the job description.

If you like woodworking and sharing your skills, if you can be committed in the longer term, and if you work well as part of a small team, we would love to hear from you. Click here to email us about it.

Open days (ongoing)

Twice a month, for two hours each time, we open Machspace to the general public. It’s a chance for members to socialise, and for curious people to see what we’re about without having to sign up for membership. Sometimes there’s an arty or crafty theme to draw people in.

We need a volunteer to run our open days. We estimate about 2 hours per week, looking something like this:

  • Hosting two 2-hour open days per month: taking care of Machspace, welcoming new people, enabling refreshments, answering questions, helping people apply for membership;
  • Recruiting enthusiastic people to share their arts and crafts skills with open day attendees;
  • If they’re needed, researching and buying supplies for themed open days.

If you like meeting people, you’re confident communicating in person and online, and you work well under your own initiative, would you like to give this a try? If so, drop us a line.

Painting (one-off)

Tanya will be painting the wall behind the sofa in Machspace on the weekend of 24th/25th August, and volunteer assistance is very much appreciated! If you’re interested, please RSVP:

Recent space improvements

Also known as: the fun photo gallery

The kitchen’s hot water tap thing has been moved higher up, so now it’s easier to wash up your mugs. And there’s a space-efficient magnetic strip on the wall for cutlery, a new donation pot with a PayPal QR code on it, and bilingual signage.

Matt’s started organising the woodworking tools onto the tool wall:

We’ve rearranged some furniture so that the workshop feels more spacious, and there’s a proper first aid station. (Some supplies and equipment in baskets are now stored on the shelf under the sewing table: paper drawers, laminator, badge maker, comb binder.)

There’s a new box to make it easier to find a charger cable:

And we now have a lost and found box:

Good stuff!

Event: Open day, mending anti-procrastination

Saturday 3rd August 2024, 12-2pm

Image credit: Left, middle, right

Have you been putting off your mending? Come and do it in good company! Plus, if you’re not sure on the best technique, maybe someone else can help you out.

As it’s an open day, Machspace will be open to the public, and we invite you to read our open day rules before attending. It’s pay-as-you-feel, so anyone can attend regardless of income, and donations are very welcome. There will also be pay-as-you-feel refreshments.

See you there! 🙂

Facebook event: Click here

Event: Open day, theme monotype with gel plates

Saturday 6th July 2024, 12-2pm

Tomi will show us how to print colourful papers with patterns on gel plates, then assemble them into a collage picture. It’s pay-as-you-feel, so anyone can attend regardless of income, and donations are very welcome. There will also be pay-as-you-feel refreshments.

As it’s an open day, Machspace will be open to the public, and we invite you to read our open day rules before attending.

See you there! 🙂

Facebook event: Click here

Mae Machspace eisiau penodi: Gweithiwr Gwych Dros Dro! (Gwaith gweinyddol, rheoli’r gofod, codi arian)

[ English ]

Swydd gyda chontract dros dro yw hon, a fydd yn para am ddau fis i gychwyn, gyda’r posibilrwydd o ymestyn y contract. Y dyddiad dechrau – cyn gynted â phosibl.

Mae gennyn ni 27 awr o waith ar gael i gychwyn. Bydd angen cwblhau’r oriau hyn o fewn y ddau fis, ond bydd modd eu gwneud yn gynt os ydych chi ar gael. Mae mwy o frys i wneud rhai o’r tasgau, a bydd angen cwblhau’r rheini yn pythefnos cyntaf ar ôl dechrau. Mae’r oriau gweithio’n hyblyg.

Mae gennyn ni gyllideb i dalu £27 yr awr, gyda mymryn o hyblygrwydd i drafod. 

A chithau’n gontractwr llawrydd, byddwch chi’n gyfrifol am ein hanfonebu am eich oriau ac am eich trefniadau treth eich hun.

Rydyn ni’n chwilio am rywun sydd â phrofiad o wneud y canlynol:

  • Gwaith gweinyddol ar Google Drive
  • Codi arian i sefydliadau cymunedol
  • Cyfathrebu dros y ffôn a thrwy e-bost a negeseuon uniongyrchol wrth wneud swydd
  • Sgiliau cyfathrebu wyneb yn wyneb da wrth wneud swydd
  • Rheoli eich amserlen eich hun yn rhagweithiol

Bydd y swydd yn golygu gwneud y canlynol (yn ogystal â phethau eraill):

  • Ysgrifennu cais am gyllid (gyda chymorth)
  • Trefnu ffeiliau ar Google Drive
  • Recriwtio a rheoli crefftwyr ar gyfer gwneud mân oruchwylion yn Machspace
  • Argraffu a gosod labeli ac arwyddion
  • Creu ffurflenni monitro
  • Delio â chontractau llogi gofod 

Cefndir Machspace: Gofod gwneud ydyn ni yng nghanol tref Machynlleth ym Mhowys.

Adnodd i’r gymuned yw gofod gwneud, yn yr un categori â llyfrgell neu ganolfan hamdden. Mae’n adeilad sy’n llawn offer i’r aelodau ei ddefnyddio – argraffwyr 3D, peiriannau gwnïo, driliau a llifiau, offer sodro, torwyr laser, fframiau gwau ac ati.

Mae bwrdd y cyfarwyddwyr a’r gwirfoddolwyr yn amrywiol o ran rhywedd ac anableddau, ac mae ein staff yn cyfathrebu gan mwyaf ar Whatsapp.

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am ofodau gwneud, ewch i wefan Hackspace Foundation.

I wneud cais, anfonwch 200-300 gair, neu fideo byr, yn rhoi gwybod i ni am eich profiad a pham eich bod chi’n addas i’r swydd, a hynny i

Y dyddiad cau: 1 Gorffennaf 2024

Y lleoliad: Hybrid – Machynlleth/Gweithio o bell

Machspace are seeking a: SuperTemp! (Admin, space management, fundraising)

[ Cymraeg ]

This is a temporary contract role to last up to 2 months initially with the possibility of extending the contract. Start date is ASAP.

We have 27 hours of work available initially, which will need to be done within 2 months though this can be done sooner if you have the availability. Some of the jobs are more urgent and will need to be tackled within the first 2 weeks of starting. Working hours are flexible.

We have a budget of £27 per hour with a little room for negotiation.

As a freelance contractor you would be responsible for invoicing us your hours and your own tax return.

We are looking for someone with experience in:

  • Admin on Google Drive
  • Fundraising for community organisations
  • Communicating via phone, email and direct message in work role
  • Good in-person communication skills in a work role
  • Proactively managing your own schedule

The role will involve (but is not limited to):

  • Writing a funding application (with help)
  • Organising files on Google Drive
  • Recruiting and managing tradespeople for small jobs at Machspace
  • Printing and installing labels and signage
  • Creating monitoring forms
  • Dealing with space rental contracts 

About Machspace: We are a makerspace in the centre of the town of Machynlleth in Powys, Wales.

A makerspace is a community resource, in the same category as a library or leisure centre. It’s a building containing a lot of equipment for members to come and use – 3D printers, sewing machines, drills and saws, soldering equipment, laser cutters, looms, etc.

Our director board and base of volunteers is gender- and disability-diverse and we do most of our staff communication on WhatsApp.

To find out more about makerspaces, visit the Hackspace Foundation.

To apply, please send 200-300 words, or a short video, letting us know about your experience and suitability for the role, to

Closing date: 1st July 2024
Location: Hybrid – Machynlleth/Remote

Event: Open day, theme mask-making

Saturday 20th July 2024, 12-2pm

Pat will show us how to assemble these fun carnival masks in various designs, and then you can decorate them using art supplies from Machspace. If you have any decorations you’d like to use, please do bring them along!

As it’s an open day, Machspace will be open to the public, and we invite you to read our open day rules before attending.

We look forward to seeing you there! 🙂

Facebook event: Click here

Event: Open day, theme lino-printing

Saturday 22nd June 2024, 12-2pm

This open day will be led by Pat, who has experience with a similar community workshop focused on printing. She’ll teach us how to cut a design into a small square of lino, and then print it onto paper. You’ll also have the option of turning your print into a badge with our badge maker.

As it’s an open day, Machspace will be open to the public, and we invite you to read our open day rules before attending.

We look forward to seeing you there! 🙂

Facebook event: Click here