AGM agenda

You can see it on Google Docs here.

When: Monday 3rd June 2024, 6pm – 8pm

Where: Machspace, 1 Old Town Hall, Penrallt Street, Machynlleth, SY20 8AJ

If you want to raise any topics/proposals/votes, you will need to get them to us by Saturday 1st June 2024 at 12pm noon. The fastest and easiest way is by email: hello AT machspace DOT org.

We are meeting in accordance with the Articles of Association (AoA): Articles of association.pdf

RSVP not required. Attendees must be members or proxies of members.

The meeting will happen in the main open space in Machspace, with the sofa area available (and if the weather is good, the courtyard through the back door) as quiet space. Attendees are welcome to duck in and out of the meeting as and when they need to, as long as they are quiet so as not to disturb the meeting.



Tanya will introduce herself as the chair and set the tone of the meeting, giving guidance on how we will proceed.

We need 10% of our membership to be there within half an hour of the start of the meeting to continue as a “quorum”, which is 8 people at the moment. (Our membership is currently 82 members.) If we don’t have 8 people within 30 minutes of the start time, we have to adjourn to the same day and time in one week, i.e. Monday 10th June 2024 at 6pm, or the chair can choose a better day and time with member approval. (See page 14 of the AoA PDF.)

1. Financial report

This will be presented by Chris Richards (director, she/her). It will be an overview of our financial situation so far, including donations and grants.

2. Progress report

This will be presented by Penny Tristram (director, she/her). It will be an overview of what we have achieved so far.

3. Plans for the future

This will be presented by Cassian Lodge (director, they/them). It will be a summary of our focus and intentions for the next 6-12 months.

4. Member contributions

Any agenda items (proposals, votes) that members sent to before Saturday 1st June 2024 at 12pm noon will happen now.

If members would like to express any opinions/feelings about anything that has been discussed so far, that will happen now.

5. Closing

As it’s our first AGM, this will be a “meta” section to discuss how we feel the meeting has gone, what we liked, and what we would like to do differently next time.